Twitter explain to a Japanese artist what “mimir” means, she draws two little animals lying down and calls them “two mimir”

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The artist’s name is Dr.Moricky and she paints lovely pictures on her @mmoriqomm account. In a Twitter thread the girl starred in the adorable event when she uploaded one of her latest drawings.

What happened was captured by an Internet user who took over the captures and shared them on social networks. She tells us that after uploading the photo someone commented to the artist “a mimir”.

Little green witch says: a mimir (to sleep).

The expression was not understood by the artist, so she was given the explanation that it was a tender way of saying “to sleep”

to sleep

This caused the artist to end up titling her drawing “a mimir”, which in itself was nice enough, but it would not stop there.

a mimir

Days later the artist drew something similar again, this time it was two little animals lying down in bed, and the drawing was entitled: “two mimir”. Something like “two sleep”, which of course doesn’t make much sense but nobody cares, it looks perfect.

two sleep / dos mimir

Look at the original thread below, take advantage and go around there, it’s full of memes about mimirs.


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